by Reverend David Buss, Pastoral Counselor, MS, MA

Let’s go on a brief journey exploring the myths about seeking the wisdom of counseling. First, there seems to be one reoccurring statement from Christians, and that’s the perception that if you are Christian you shouldn’t need counseling, and those who do, have little faith. On that note, let’s see if we can clarify the importance of seeking wise counsel. As elucidated in Proverbs. 1:5, a wise person will hear and increase learning, and a person of understanding shall attain wise counsel. Sounds like good advice, huh!

Unfortunately, Christians can face a stigma when seeking mental health care; as if they have little faith. In reality, our emotional well-being is closely tied to our spiritual health, and blending faith and mental health support can be a beautiful partnership. In fact, throughout the Bible, we are taught to acknowledge our limitations. More importantly, the Scriptures encourage us to seek guidance during struggle. Counseling certainly helps those hungry for wisdom, need assistance, or simply a safe place to offload. 

From a spiritual perspective, the Holy Spirit is instrumental in working through his believers, such as faith-centered Counselors. Let’s explore some scriptural examples outlining the importance of seeking assistance.

  • Psalm 32:8 – I will instruct you and teach you how you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. For the sake of this discussion, God is encouraging you to seek therapy to gain wisdom and deepen your relationship with Him.
  • Proverbs 15:22 – “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.”
  • Proverbs 24:6 – “For by wise guidance you can wage your war (daily struggles), and in the abundance of counselors there is victory.”
  • Proverbs 19:20 – The Word of God encourages us to be humble and accept instruction from others. We don’t know everything, and we’re not meant to. Seeking spiritual guidance from a counselor can help us see what our own eyes may be blind to. 
  • James 1:5 – If you lack wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. No one is meant to navigate through life alone. This can be accomplished by seeking assistance through trusted sources, like a professional counselor. 

So, what can counseling do for you when your cup is empty? The following quote by J.M. Sevilla says it best, “Fill your cup with joy. Fill it to the top, and when life gets rough and dumps it out, keep filling it back up, which is even more powerful when incorporating your faith and relationship with God, filling that cup to the top with refreshing water. 

Summing up the discussion thus far, it is clear that seeking the wisdom and guidance of a Counselor is instrumental in completing the mind, body, and spirit connection especially, from a counselor who understands the importance of the value of your faith.  

Therefore, I hope this message clarifies the importance of seeking and accepting the assistance of a faith-centered counselor. More importantly, the essence of counseling is going on a journey to pursue spiritual growth and emotional healing. God does not want you to ignore the importance of mental health care. 

Remember, Christian counseling is a safe place where clients can incorporate their belief system as much or as little as they wish.  Bottom-line faith-centered therapy works, no matter what the client’s faith background. The ultimate goal for your journey is to gain comfort and understanding while making that better version of yourself, and in the end, you will be counted among the wise. 


Reverend David Buss is an ordained minister and non-licensed pastoral counselor who has a Chaplain’s heart for helping those along life’s journey.

He sees clients at Oklahoma Christian Counseling in McAlester

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