By: Chasity Burke MS, NBCCH, LPC

When life gets hard and getting through the day takes more energy and strength then we knew we had it is vital to remember that there is POWER in INTENTION! Setting intention doesn’t have to be some big grand seemingly unattainable goal. 

Sometimes setting an intention is: 

“I’m going to take a shower today.”

“I’m going to get out of bed today.”

“I’m going to eat something that’s good for my body today.”

“I’m going to take 5 minutes today and just breathe, focusing on only my breath.” 

“I will think of one thing about me that I like.”

“I will say something kind to someone today.”

“I will say something kind to myself today.”

“I will do one thing that is just for me today.”

“I’m going to go for a walk.”

“I’m going to watch a sunset or sunrise.”

“I’m going to pick one thing that needs to get done and do that today.”

When we begin shifting our thinking into a selfcare mindset the small seeds that we plant begin to grow, multiply, and blossom into something more beautiful than we could have imagined. Be kind to yourself. You are strong. You are a survivor. Making it through another day is a celebration! 

What you plant, you will harvest. 

Start planting love, care, kindness, and peace today. 

The universe will multiply whatever you sew and give it back to you.


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